Super Star Blast - AmigaOS4.1 Version Released!

Super Star Blast has been available on PC and consoles for a while now.
We are pleased to finally be able to release the AmigaOS4 version of the game.

As we had some problems with crashes on X5000 computers, we had no idea how to fix it. But it seems that overtime driver updates, kernel updates and a but of luck helped us to work again on the project. 

A big task was to get a decent frame rate on all our Warp3D capable computers. Frank tried his best to get it run smoothly. It even runs on Tabor/A1222 which was not expected. 

Within the game, there is a setting page. Here you can adjust many performance settings to bring smooth frames per second to your computer. 

For reading FPS, you can enable the FPS conter (it only measures well, if vsync is disabled. So disable for benchmarks, enable for playing!)

We hope you like it. Our goal is to make more games for Amiga and AmigaOS4 within the next year. Some ports are startet and they are running but needs a bit love to make a playable experience.

Have fun and thanks for your support!

Files 74 MB
Oct 24, 2022
SuperStarBlast1.5_AmigaOS4_Warp3DNova.lha 145 MB
Dec 13, 2024

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Excellent news ! I bought the Steam version  some years ago to support EntwicklerX and asked some questions/gave my impressions in the dedicated Steam forum and so far no answer after 2 1/2 years !
link to steam forum

Thanks for your message. I send it to Frank, the coder.. he may have a better answer than me. 

A 2 years post ;) we are late ;)

We make an updat soon and hope that the animation problems are gone. 

is the local multiplayer mode present in the AOS4 version ? from the description, it does not look like so...